Even if you are not able to attend Mass, you can still support the parish through your weekly offertory contributions. Your weekly offering directly supports the operation of the parish and is much needed. Contributions offset the costs associated with day-to-day operations of the parish and its programs, including salaries; maintenance, cleaning, and repair of buildings; utilities; supplies and equipment; and our programs and ministries for worship, faith formation, sacrament prep., outreach, fellowship, and so much more.
In addition to the collection basket at weekend Masses, you can mail your offertory to the parish, drop it off at the Parish Center, or sign up for online giving. Thank you in advance for your continued support!
For this generation, and the next, and the next...
Love, Sharing, Faith, and Commitment
Despite the on-going, sometimes dramatic changes in our world, these four principles continue to be the hallmarks of Catholic communities. Serving Our Lord through our community is what makes us distinctly and uniquely Catholic.
Our liturgies, prayer services, many ministries, and programs serve and assist numerous fellow parishioners and families here at St. Gabriel. Our commitment to our Catholic faith is witnessed through our love and sharing of our resources of time, talent, and treasure.
Your help is always needed to keep our parish strong spiritually, fiscally, and physically for generations to come. For ways that you can help, please contact us.
Online giving is not meant to replace the traditional Sunday offertory collection; it is meant to enhance it.
If you prefer to receive, and use, weekly offertory envelopes, that's fine, too! Please contact the Parish Office to have offertory envelopes sent to your household.
This new giving tool will save time for our staff and volunteers. It is faster, easier, and more secure, and our hope is to provide a better giving experience for everyone at St. Gabriel! Please contact us at the Parish Office and we will be glad to guide you through the system.
We have moved our online giving to a new platform after using WeShare for many years at St. Gabriel.
Due to the secure manner in which your bank and credit card information is stored in our current system(s), we cannot automatically transfer your recurring gifts to the new system without your help. This good news is, moving your gifts will be EASY! ❤️
Our staff can help those of you who currently use WeShare and our older giving platform to transfer your recurring gifts to the new system.
We are grateful for your continued support of St. Gabriel Parish throughout these transitions that will hopefully make our lives a bit simpler.